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Asojano Agban

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
Ah wanna wanna wanna kuhn fay ah wah-nah wah-nah wah-nah koohn-fay
Ah kuhn fay yea see ah koohn-fay~yay-see
Ah kuhn fay yea see ah koohn-fay~yay-see
Ah wanna buy eh ah wah-nah buy-ayy


common spelling common pronunciation
Ah wanna wanna wanna kuhn fay ah wah-nah wah-nah wah-nah koohn-fay
Ah kuhn fay yea see ah koohn-fay~yay-see


common spelling common pronunciation
Da so ye ah kuhn fay dah soh ye~ah koohn fay~
Ah kuhn fay yea see ah koohn-fay~yay-see


Same as response above.

Other notes:

  • You will also hear the akpwon CALL out the RESPONSE. Reply with the same.

Need Help?

  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! You may hear agbana or awana – this appears to be a stylistic choice of the word agban.



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