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Aye Aye Leri Eyo

This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 1:27 - 3:55
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 5:56 - 8:14


common spelling common pronunciation
aye aye leri eyo ah-yay ah-yay lay-ree ay-yoh
omo ro rele omo loya oh-moh roh ray-lay oh-moh loh-yah
leri eyo omo ro rele lay-ree ay-yoh oh-moh roh ray-lay
akara irawo leri eyo ah-kah-rah ee-rah-woh lay-ree ay-yoh
omo ro rele aye o oh-moh roh ray-lay ah-yay oh

RESPONSE: Same as call.

The following text is referenced directly from John Mason’s Orin Orisa:

CALL (As documented by John Mason):

John Mason’s Spelling John Mason’s Translation
Lãyé, Lãyé tó rí ‘lé ‘yò ọmọ ‘lóyè In life, in life he who sees the house of joy is the child of the owner of official position.
Ọmọ lóòyà a ya kárà Child transplanted for pay we are turned toward the back yard.
Ẽràn wò tó ní’lé ‘yò Pestilence pay a visit to he who owns the house of joy.
Ọmọ ‘lóyè a yé o Child of the owner of official positio we pay respects to you.

RESPONSE (As documented by John Mason):

Same as call.

Need Help?

  • Notice the differences in how the akpwon (vocalist/chanter) pronounces this. Lazaro Ros pronounces Lãyé as Ayé.



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