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Awo Ikianbelawo La Osha Ambelawo

This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 7:21 - 9:40
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 27:17 - 28:18


common spelling pronunciation
Awo Ikianbelawo la osha ambelawo Ah-woh Ee-keeahn-bay-lah oh~lah oh-shah~ahm-bay-lah-woh


Same as call.


common spelling pronunciation
Shomboro Shohm-boh-roh


common spelling pronunciation
Ambelawo Ahm-bay-lah-woh

Need Help?

  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! This song may start off slow, but will speed up.
  • This song has several words that COULD be picked apart if you are researching for translation purposes… but when you are singing the words WILL get squished together! Keep with the tempo to match how akpwon sings!
  • The akpwon may begin the song with Aranou or Egun; the response does not need to repeat that.



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Maintained by Stephanie Frantz