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Aye Dolomo Le Siku O

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 16:52 - 18:53


common spelling pronunciation
aye dolomo ah yay doh-loh-moh
le siku o lay see-koo~oh
oh le le oh lay lay
akunfo kolomo de osu~de ah-kohn-fo koh-loh-moh day oh-shoo~day
akuku ife ah koh koh ee-fay
iku mode kolomo de akuku ife ee-koo mo-day koh-loh-moh day ako~ko ee-fay
i ni seban seyo ee-nee say-bahn say-yoh
ba mon ile siku o bahn mohn ee-lay see-koo~oh
oh le le oh lay lay


Same as call.

Need Help?

  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! In the third line, you may hear .. kolo mode .. or .. koyo mode .. or even .. doyo mode ... Follow the lead.



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