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Ibarago Moyuba

This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 0:23 - 1:53
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 1:44 - 4:34
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 5:50 - 7:11
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 2:10 - 2:54


common spelling common pronunciation
Ibarago moyuba Ee-bah-rah-boh~goh moh-yoo-bah-rah
ibarago ago moyubara Ee-bah-rah-boh ah-goh moh-yoo-bah-rah
omode ko ni kosi ibarago ago moyubara oh-moh-day koh-nee~koh-see~bah-rah-go ago moh-you-bara
elegua eshu lona. eh-leh-gua e-shoo lo-nah


Same as call.

Need Help?

  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! The third line can be tricky: omode ko ni co ibarago ago moyubara. A few of these words get strung together: Omode~kó~ní kosi~barago~ago~moyubara. The tempo is fast when singing it; remember when you slow down to practice, be sure you are not saying the full words, but continue to string it together.


We salute Bara, owner of ebó, we salute you The child has come; he is not absent With permission, we salute you Elegba. Eshu is the owner of the road


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