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Ochanla Mon Omi No Wa

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
Ochanla mon omi no wa Oh-chan-lah mohn oh-mee no wah
Ochanla mon o Oh-chan-lah mohn oh
Ochanla mon omi no wa Oh-chan-lah mohn oh-mee no wah
Ochanla mon o Oh-chan-lah mohn oh
Gbogbo ki o ki o kiki omo de Gboh-gboh kee oh kee oh kee-kee oh-moh day
Ochanla mon omi no wa Oh-chan-lah mohn oh-mee no wah


Same as call.

CALL (As documented by John Mason):

John Mason’s Spelling John Mason’s Translation
Òşàlá, món omi, ìnọwó. The Great Orisa, clean as water, is holding out her hand.
Òşàlá, món o The Great Orisa, clean as water
Òşàlá, món omi, ìnọwó. The Great Orisa, clean as water, is holding out her hand.
Òşàlá, món o The Great Orisa, clean as water
Gbogbo kì õkì òkìkí ọmọ dé. All praise the renown title of the child who arrives
Òşàlá, món omi, ìnọwó. The Great Orisa, clean as water, is holding out her hand.


Same as call.


  • Chapter Obatala, Song 28; Orin Orisa: Songs for Selected Heads by John Mason

T. Altmann. Cantos lucumí: a los Orichas. Song 104, page 113


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