Okuo Falawa
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
common spelling | common pronunciation |
Okuo falawa | oh-kooh-oh fah-lah-wah |
Aremu de falawa | ah-ray-moo day fah-lah-wah |
Dia ka sekulona falawa | dee-ah kah seh-koo-loh-nah fah-lah-wah |
Baba iba sekulona falawa | bah-bah ee-bah seh-koo-loh-nah fah-lah-wah |
Awogodo asi osu ifago | ah-woh-goh-doh ah-see oh-soo ee-fah~ah-goh |
Baba iba sekulona falawa o | bah-bah ee-bah seh-koo-loh-nah fah-lah-wah oh |
Aremu de falawa | ah-ray-moo day fah-lah-wah |
Awogodo de nifa boroyosu iya | ah-woh-goh-doh day nee-fah boh-roh-yoh-soo ee-yah |
Same as call.
- Bobi sings this much faster on her
album, but it is traditionally sung slower (as I sing).
- Oduduwa Class with Bobi Céspedes on April 4, 2022. (Bobi Céspedes)
- Recording by Stephanie Frantz. Recorded on April 4, 2022.
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Maintained by Stephanie Frantz