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Sokemado Dumare

This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 0:02 - 0:41
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
Sokemado dumare soh-kay-mah-doh doo-mah-ray
Sokemado soh-kay-mah-doh
Sokemado dumare soh-kay-mah-doh doo-mah-ray
Sokemado dumare soh-kay-mah-doh doo-mah-ray
Dibu dibu dideo dee-boh dee-boh dee-day-oh
baba sokuta bah-bah soh-koo-tah
sokuta laroye soh-koo-tah lah-roh-yay
Sokemado dumare soh-kay-mah-doh doo-mah-ray


Same as call.



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