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Baba Orumila Baba Soraye

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
Baba Orumila baba soraye bah-bah Oh-roo-mee-lah bah-bah so-rai-yay
Baba Orumila baba soraye bah-bah Oh-roo-mee-lah bah-bah so-rai-yay
Ochanla awo bi awo oh-cha~n-lah ah-woh bee~~ah-woh
Baba adache bi Olorun bi ache bah-bah ah-dah-chay beeOh-loh-roon beeah-chay
Adache Orumila ah-dah-chay Oh-roo-mee-lah
Omode bi aye Omolorun ara Ifa Oh-moh-day bee~~ah-yay Oh-moh-loh-roon ah-rah Ee-fah
Okan Olofi Oh-kahn Oh-loh-fee
Baba adache bi ache Orumila Bah-bah ah-dah-chay bee~~ah-chay Oh-roo-mee-lah


Same as call.


  • From Bobi: “Inspiration of orisha people who are immersed in the tradition & language & whole idea of Orunmila’s tradition..” – Sumarized into that different orisha traditions (while different/unique) are whole under Orunmila.


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