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Ewe Masiboro Yu

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 0:30 - 2:16


common spelling common pronunciation
Ewe masiboro yu eh-weh mah-see~boh-roh youu
ewe masiboro ro eh-weh mah-see~boh-roh roh
Ewe masiboro yu eh-weh mah-see~boh-roh youu
ewe masiboro ro eh-weh mah-see~boh-roh roh
Bambi oke yo behm-bee oh-kay yoh
masiboro yu, masiboro ro. mah-see~boh-roh youu, mah-see~boh-roh roh


Same as call.

Ewé má sí boro’jú Leaves consistently tumbles down then easily fall

Ewé má si boró Leaves consistently tumbles and easily increases

Ewé má sí boro’jú Leaves consistently tumbles down then easily fall

Ewé má si boró Leaves consistently tumbles and easily increases

Obán kí oké yó Arrive with me and encamp the hill

Má sí boro’jú

Má sí boró ró

T. Altmann. Cantos lucumí: a los Orichas. Song 77, page 89


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