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Osain Were Be Nito Bleo

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
Osain were be nito bleo oh-sain weh-reh beh nee-toh bleh-oh
osain were be nito ble. oh-sain weh-reh beh nee-toh bleh
Osain were be nito bleo oh-sain weh-reh beh nee-toh bleh-oh
osain were be nito ble. oh-sain weh-reh beh nee-toh bleh
Saka ka okuma feleble; sah-kah kah~oh-koo-mah~feh-leh-bleh;
osain were be nito ble. oh-sain weh-reh beh nee-toh bleh


Same as call.

Need Help?

  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! You may hear Osain were be nito bleo or Osain pele be nito bleo. Both of these are just different variations that a singer may choose.
  • The last line also has a few variations: Saka ka okuma feleble, osain were be nito bele. or Osain damiwo adamawo, Pelebe nito ble

Allusion to the chant: Talks of in order to receive Osayin’s help, we must make ebó/sacrifice


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