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Moyeun Ewe Mosara O

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 6:30 - 8:02


common spelling common pronunciation
Moyeun ewe mosara o Moh-yeh-oon eh-weh moh-sah-rah oh
Moyeun ewe mosara Moh-yeh-oon eh-weh moh-sah-rah
Moyeun ewe mosara o Moh-yeh-oon eh-weh moh-sah-rah oh
Moyeun ewe mosara Moh-yeh-oon eh-weh moh-sah-rah
Ewe lowi mi ewe loya mi eh-weh loh-wee mee eh-weh loh-yah mee
Moyeun ewe mosara Moh-yeh-oon eh-weh moh-sah-rah



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  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! You may hear lowi mi or lonbi ni. Both of these are just different variations that a singer may choose.

Mo jeún ewé mó sará ó I eat leaves to become fat

Mo jeún ewé mó sará I eat leaves to become fat

Ewé lobiní Leaves from the ground gave birth to me

Ewé lo’yamí Leaves from the ground weaned me

Mo jeún ewé mó sará I eat leaves to become fat


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