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Oniki Niki Otalomio

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 9:35 - 11:07


common spelling common pronunciation
Oniki niki otalomio, oh~nee-kee nee-kee oh-tah-loh-mee-oh
Oniki niki otalomio. oh~nee-kee nee-kee oh-tah-loh-mee-oh
Oniki niki otalomio, oh~nee-kee nee-kee oh-tah-loh-mee-oh
Oniki niki otalomio. oh~nee-kee nee-kee oh-tah-loh-mee-oh
Oniki niki ewe okuma, oh~nee-kee nee-kee ah-way oh-koo-mah
Oniki niki otalomi. oh~nee-kee nee-kee oh-tah-loh-mee




Allusion to the chant: Olodumare exist forever and even the river cannot move him. Olodumare is the immovable stone in the water. The Egbado will live forever and not die. Like corn we will multiply and not die.We will be immortal and will not die anymore


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