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Awara Bore Kiwao Awara Bore Kiwa

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
Awara bore kiwao ah-wah-rah boh-ray key-wah~oh
awara bore kiwa, ah-wah-rah boh-ray key-wah
awara bore kiwao ah-wah-rah boh-ray key-wah~oh
awara bore kiwa, ah-wah-rah boh-ray key-wah
achibata kiki ero kiki ah-chee-bah-tah key-key ay-row key-key
odun, awara bore kiwao. oh-doon, ah-wah-rah boh-ray key-wah~oh



Awá lá woré tí wá Awá lá woré tí wá Ashibatá má dí eró Kí kí eró ní odo Awá lá wore tí wá

Allusion to the chant: Speaks of the water lily that floats near the rivers edge. Deals with character.


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