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(07) 9, Osa

This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
common spelling common pronunciation
osa moda moda fisi iku oh-sah moh-dah moh-dah fee-see-kooo
hmmm mmmmmm
osa moda moda fisi orun oh-sah moh-dah moh-dah fee-see oh-rooun
hmmm mmmmmm
Firolo firolo bale fee-roh-loh fee-roh-loh bah-lay
agbo Firolo agh-boh fee-roh-loh
firolo bale fee-roh-loh bah-lay
agbo Firolo agh-boh fee-roh-loh
murele murele bale moo-ray-lay moo-ray-lay bah-lay
agbo murele agh-boh moo-ray-lay
murele bale moo-ray-lay bah-lay
agbo murele agh-boh moo-ray-lay


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