Oya De Iba Iba Chekeche
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 0:00 - 3:17
This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 0:00 - 3:10
common spelling | common pronunciation |
Oya de | Oh-yah day |
iba iba chekeche | eeh-bah eeh-bah che-keh-che |
(Mofo) Oya de | (Moh-foh) Oh-yah day |
iba iba chekeche | eeh-bah eeh-bah che-keh-che |
Agoile agolona | Ah-go-ee-lay~~ ah-go-loh-nah |
Oya nsere o Oya de | Oh-yah nn~see-ray oh Oh-yah day |
Same as call
- Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)! You may hear
Mofo~Oya de
orOya de
. Both of these are just different variations that a singer may choose.

T. Altmann. Cantos lucumí: a los Orichas. Song 173, page 188
- Oyá Class with Bobi Céspedes on March 7, 2022. (Bobi Céspedes)
- T. Altmann. Cantos lucumí: a los Orichas. Song 173, page 188
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