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Fore Unle O

This verse can be heard in this youtube video between these timestamps: 4:16 - 5:05
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:
This verse can be heard in this youtube video:


common spelling common pronunciation
fore unle o fo-ray oohn-lay oh
fara wara fah-rah wah-rah
fore unle o fo-ray oohn-lay oh
fara wara fah-rah wah-rah
obini yaye unle o oh-bee-nee yah yay ohnn lay-oh
fara wara fah-rah wah-rah
la unmole unle a lah ohnn~moh lay ohn-lay ahh


Same as call.

Need Help?

  • Listen to the akpwon (vocalist/chanter)!
  • You may also hear obini yaye unmore unle o (oh-bee-nee yah yay ohnn moh-oo-ray ohnn lay-oh). The version written above is a faster sung version.


T. Altmann. Cantos lucumí: a los Orichas. Song 177, page 191


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